Brain Injury Awareness Month: The Role of Assistive Technologies

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. Today, we're going to look at the important role assistive technologies play in improving the quality of life of people who have suffered brain injuries.

Over 5 million individuals in the US are living with a permanent brain injury-related disability. Brain injuries can come in many different forms.

They can range from mild and minor to especially traumatic. The severity of one's brain injury will determine how much it affects their day to day life.

Luckily, advances in technology have meant that those with disabilities can do more than ever before. Read on to learn about some of the amazing technologies those with BIs have access to today.

What Is Assistive Technology?

First thing's first, let's take a look at what exactly assistive technology is. Assistive technology is any piece of software or equipment that can be used by a person with a disability to improve their quality of life.

This concept doesn't just apply to those with brain injuries. An electric wheelchair ramp, for instance, is an example of assistive technology. For those who do live with brain injuries, these advances can be especially helpful.

Life for Those With Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries refer to a particular type of brain injury that usually occurs after a violent blow to the head. These types of injuries can impact a person's life in a number of different ways.

They can impair cognitive function, cause emotional issues, and cause physical dysfunction. Those with a TBI may find themselves with brain fogginess, being forgetful, or getting easily distracted. They can find it difficult to complete complex tasks, remember words, and control their emotions.

This is where some of the different types of assistive technologies can be useful. Assistive technologies can help those suffering from brain injuries to gain more independence and perform tasks they would normally have difficulty with.

Assistive Technologies for Those With Brain Injuries

Kinds of devices that can aid people with brain injuries can range from low-tech assistive technology to cutting-edge software. Things as simple as a talking clock that tells what time it is, or small voice recorders that keep track of tasks can be a great help.

On the more advanced side of things, there is a technology that can generate voices for those who no longer have the ability to speak. There are apps that can help those with BIs write and read if this is something they have trouble doing.

Brain Injury Awareness Month

This Brain Injury Awareness Month, we should be thankful for all of the technological advancements that help those with disabilities to lead better lives. If you or a loved one is living with a disability and could use some form of assistive technology, we've got a wide array of products on offer. Browse our website today to see our full range.

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