3 Accessible American History Vacations

If you're looking for accessible vacation spots that share a piece of America's history with visitors, you're in luck.

America is made up of a diverse population of people belonging to every background and demographic. Because of this unique diversity found across our nation since its inception, the United States is widely regarded as "The Melting Pot" of the world. 

So, if you've been putting off a tour of our country's history, you can put your concerns to rest. Grab your suitcase and let's hit the road. We're exploring great American history vacations from sea to shining sea!

Accessible History Vacations: The Perfect All-American Getaway

Whether you're traveling for a weekend or a week, what better way to spend a vacay than walking down America's memory lane?

Trips that highlight our country's history have something for everyone. And, just about every person living in America today has a special place in our country's past.

That's why historical vacation spots are a just-right getaway for tourists of all ages. Filled with interesting artifacts, exciting reenactments, and untold stories of our ancestors, escape through our nation's history to find something for everyone.

Don't know where to start? 

Here are 5 places that should be on every American's bucket list!

1. Phoenix, Arizona

Sun City is the spot for natural beauty, amazing sunsets, and jaw-dropping wildlife, plants, and flora. The Desert Botanical Gardens is a can't miss attraction for anyone who comes through town. But, it's a sure win for history buffs, too.

With an outpouring of museums (both free and paid), Phoenix's history begins with the Native Americans at the legendary wonder-filled Hohokam Indian ruins, located at the Hayden Butte Preserve, which date back to between 750-1450 AD.

Then, it's on to the Wild West! Check out the Wells Fargo Museum, the Heard Museum, and the Scottsdale Rodeo Museum. 

The last stop while visiting Phoenix will be the plethora of art museums littering the Phoenix-Scottsdale areas. Be sure to stop by the past Italian architect's beloved Consanti and Frank Lloyd Wright's amazing Taliesin, which served as his winter home and school for students. 

2. Branson, Missouri

Branson has always been a hotspot for tourists since the 18-1900's when the infamous Marvel Cave was purchased by William Henry Lynch. Lynch began charging visitors to tour the natural stunner, but the Native Americans are the first to call Marvel home. The Osage Indians first discovered the cave back in the 1500s.

In the 1900s Branson was one of the most happening places in the US. The town introduced Rockaway Beach, unveiled the Ozark Beach Dam, and set the stage for countless would-be star musicians. 

3. Savannah, Georgia

Stroll the southern streets of Savannah, Georgia, and enter another time in history. The local cobblestone alleys and wrought iron architecture are just a couple of the trademarks that make Savannah a place all its own.

When the sun goes down, the streets still light up in Savannah. Local bands show off their musical skills, while children tap dance and play homemade drums to the classic rhythm-and-blues beats.

You won't want to leave the city known for its neverending southern hospitality without paying your respects to the local (and some non-local) deceased at the Bonaventure Cemetery.

The Bonaventure Cemetary is full of folklore and (many believe) spirits, including that of the Award-winning lyricist Johnny Mercer.

Other notable Bonventure Cemetery tour stops include Little Gracie, featuring a stunning statue of a little girl carved by the sculpture John Walz. Her father paid to have the sculpture created in her likeness after she fell ill and died of pneumonia, rumor has it. But, sadly, she was left in Savannah all alone when her family packed up some years later and left the area.

Also notable is the Bird Girl, which pays homage to a young girl who was buried for 50 years in the area without any fanfare. The so-called Bird Girl only became famous after the sculpture was formed in her likeness. Ever since millions have come to know and love her, and tourists flock to view the sculpture for themselves, year after year.

Plan Your Escape!

So, what are you waiting for?

American history vacations feature a slew of accessible attractions, delicious dining, and fun for everyone.

But, don't get caught in a car that cramps your travel style.

Before you go, check out our website to find a road-trip-ready vehicle that you'll love!

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