Wheelchair User Using a Ramp

Guidelines for Wheelchair Stair Ramp Installation

Installing a wheelchair stair ramp is an excellent way to provide access to a building or floor of a building that was previously inaccessible to those confined to wheelchairs or other mobility devices. With an accessible entrance, individuals with disabilities and the elderly can easily enter a building or building floor and move around unrestricted. This helps ensure that everyone has access to the same places and services without restrictions. 

Benefits of Installing a Wheelchair Stair Ramp 

In addition to accessibility, wheelchair stair ramps provide numerous other benefits. Installing a ramp ensures that the individual in the wheelchair or mobility device is safe while using the ramp, as it reduces the risk of falls and other accidents. The ramp also allows for a smooth and comfortable entrance and exit, allowing the individual to enter and leave with minimal effort. This reduces the amount of fatigue and physical stress, helping the individual to preserve their energy and maintain their mobility.

Wheelchair stair ramps also increase the home’s value and visual appeal. The installation of a wheelchair stair ramp adds extra convenience and can even help increase the value of a home. It also adds a modern, stylish look which can be accented with a variety of materials and color options. 

All in all, installing a wheelchair stair ramp can provide a wealth of accessibility, convenience, and safety benefits to anyone who uses a wheelchair or mobility device.

Types of Wheelchair Stair Ramps

Wheelchair stair ramps can enable people with limited mobility to conveniently maneuver any type of stair. From portable ramps perfect for quick transportation and folding ramps for a combination of portability and stability, to incline ramps that make those low-rise stairs easy to go up and down, to threshold ramps that help get wheelchair users over the entry, to more permanent options such as a modular wheelchair ramp, wheelchair users can now find the perfect ramp to cater to their mobility needs. With a range of options available, users can enjoy a tailored and safe solution perfect for the access requirements of their home and lifestyle. Making every journey an easy one, wheelchair stair ramps provide the confidence and peace of mind wheelchair users need to live life to the fullest.  

Planning For a Wheelchair Stair Ramp

If you need a wheelchair stair ramp to access your home or place of business, there are a few things to consider before you start the planning process. First, consider the accessibility needs of the person who will use the ramp. What type of wheelchair do they use? Do they require any special features for accessing ramps, such as a platform or extra-wide entry?

  • Once you've determined the user’s needs, you should start planning the basics of the wheelchair stair ramp. What type of materials will you use? Wood, steel, or concrete are all options, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. It's important to also consider the environment the ramp will be used in, as some materials may fare better in certain climates than others. 
  • Next, decide on the ramp's location. Consider existing obstacles, like trees or bushes, that may block the ramp. You should also look at the general terrain of the location, and the level of incline needed for the ramp to meet code requirements.
  • Finally, think about the ramp’s design. Do you want it to blend in with its surroundings or stand out as an interesting feature? You may also consider a custom-designed ramp with special features like a handrail or a special entryway. Planning a wheelchair stair ramp takes careful consideration of your needs and goals. With careful planning and efficient research, you can create a ramp that meets the accessibility needs of your user while also meeting your budget and design preferences.

Let United Access Help You Get Started

After learning the key points on how to properly install a stair ramp in your home, you can begin the process with confidence. Despite the best intentions, the project may be more extensive than expected and it may be best to rely on a professional. United Access is a trusted source for all types of stair ramp needs. 

With over 25 years of experience in mobility services, our company is the leader in the industry due to our commitment to providing the highest quality goods and services. We provide ramp-building services and financing options for your stair ramp, as well as a diverse selection of vehicles and mobility products, such as wheelchairs, scooters, mobility lifts, and more. 

Contact us whenever you’re ready to receive our help.

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