Preventative maintenance appointment

What to Expect During a Preventative Maintenance Appointment

For continued trouble-free operation of your wheelchair accessible vehicle, it is important to take your vehicle in for routine preventative maintenance appointments. Preventative maintenance on wheelchair accessible vehicles is vitally important to ensure the safety, reliability, and comfort of those who use them. Wheelchair accessible vehicles are designed to accommodate the needs of individuals with mobility limitations, and regular maintenance is essential to ensure the vehicle is safe and reliable for the user. Regular maintenance on wheelchair accessible vehicles helps to ensure that the vehicle is compliant with all relevant safety regulations. This is important to ensure that the vehicle is safe for the user, as well as any passengers. Regular maintenance can also help to extend the life of the vehicle, as well as ensure that it is running efficiently and reliably. 

Wheelchair Vehicle Preventative Maintenance Schedule

Maintaining a preventative maintenance schedule for your wheelchair van is an important part of ensuring that you get the most value out of your vehicle when you are ready to upgrade. Regular preventative maintenance helps to keep your van in top condition, preventing costly repairs down the road that could significantly reduce its resale value. Preventative maintenance also helps to identify small problems and address them before they become major issues. 

We have outlined what to expect during a preventative maintenance appointment at United Access:  

Preventative Maintenance Appointments for Vehicles and Mobility Equipment:  

Regular servicing and maintenance of your wheelchair van is an important part of keeping your vehicle in good condition and safe to drive. If you use your vehicle every day, we recommend servicing your wheelchair van every six months or 5,000 miles, whichever comes first. Doing so will help not only to keep your wheelchair van running well, but also ensure your safety while on the road. When repairs or service are needed, the three most common items are: 

  • Ramp or lift problems (i.e., the ramp not going in or out) 

  • Ramp door problems (i.e., the door not opening or closing correctly) 

  • Kneeling system issues (van lowering) 

Your wheelchair vehicle inspection includes:  

  • Mobility equipment and conversion safety inspection and service  

  • Battery terminal cleaning  

  • Performance testing  

  • Vehicle multi-point inspection 

A preventative maintenance inspection includes a number of services, such as a mobility equipment and conversion safety inspection and service, battery terminal cleaning, performance testing, and a vehicle multi-point inspection. 

During the mobility equipment and conversion safety inspection and service, the vehicle is inspected for any issues with the wheelchair lift, restraints, and door openers. Any safety issues with the vehicle's conversion components are addressed as well. Battery terminal cleaning is important for any vehicle, but especially for wheelchair accessible vehicles. This ensures that the battery is clean and free of corrosion, which can lead to electrical problems.  

Performance testing is done to ensure that the vehicle is able to operate properly and that all systems are functioning as they should. This includes checking the brakes, steering, and acceleration.  

Finally, a vehicle multi-point inspection is done to check the overall condition of the vehicle. The technician will check the oil, transmission fluid, and other important components of the vehicle and make sure that they are in good condition.  By taking the time to have the vehicle inspected properly, you can ensure that you and your passengers will have a safe and comfortable ride. 

At United Access, our highly trained technicians provide the highest quality of service to our customers.  

The Importance of Certified Technicans  

Our technicians are certified through the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA), meaning they have undergone extensive training in the adaptive mobility equipment industry and adhere to the best practices in their field. In addition, our locations are Quality Assurance Program (QAP) certified through NMEDA. This certification ensures that the safety and performance of our mobility equipment is of the highest standard. We know that our customers’ safety and satisfaction are our top priority, and this certification allows us to provide them with the best possible service. From wheelchair lifts to scooter lifts, assisted seating to hand controls, our technicians have the expertise and experience to work on any type of mobility equipment. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service, and our certification through NMEDA is a testament to that commitment. 

The service appointment is also a great time to ask questions about your van’s potential problems and how to best care for it. Your Mobility Specialist can go over the best practices for using and caring for your van so you get the most out of it for years to come. Contact your Mobility Specialist today to set up a service appointment and keep your van running smoothly.

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