For those who require the use of a wheelchair van, mobility and ease of use might seem like the most important factors. However, while gaining greater freedom and quality of life are important, safety and comfort are also vital concerns. Thankfully, there are numerous ways that modern handicap vans help boost both safety and comfort for individuals with physical disabilities. What’s available?
Safety on the road is of paramount importance, and for those who choose to ride in a handicap van while still seated in their wheelchair, this can be a tricky thing to achieve. However, modern wheelchair van designs include several different wheelchair restraint systems or securement solutions. For instance, there are wheelchair tie down systems available to help secure your chair, but there are also locking systems that clamp onto the wheels of your chair and hold them secure to the floor. Both of these options ensure that you are able to ride in your wheelchair-accessible van without worrying about safety.
While riding in a handicap van in your wheelchair is a convenient option when you’re only traveling a short distance, you’ll find that longer distance traveling might not be so comfortable this way. There are options that can help, though. For example, a transfer seat ensures that you are able to ride in comfort for longer duration travel, but also makes getting in and out of your wheelchair simple. Transfer seats feature swiveling action, and they can also tilt up, down, forward, and back to make it easier to get in and out.
United Access offers a full range of wheelchair van safety and comfort solutions, as well as both new and used handicap van models to fit your life and your needs.
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